Friday, December 17, 2010

Sarah Palin Showed More Courage in Haiti Than Did Michelle Obama

Franklin Graham:  Palin's Compassion Touched Haitians' Hearts
By Henry J. Reske and Kathleen Walter
December 16, 2010

Sarah Palin’s visit to the earthquake-ravaged Haiti showed she is not “afraid to get her hands dirty,” says the Rev. Franklin Graham. The former Alaska governor is a “woman of strong principle and no question she has a strong faith in God,” the son of renowned evangelist Billy Graham said during a Newsmax.TV interview in which he discussed his hosting her Haitian visit.

“I showed her what Samaritan’s Purse has done” to alleviate the suffering from the killer earthquake and a hurricane this year, said Graham, president of the international relief organization. “We have built over 10,000 shelters for people to live in. We have set up entire communities across the Port-au-Prince area, but more importantly there is a cholera epidemic now and this cholera epidemic was understated . . . This could be a huge, huge problem. We have already 2,000 people dead.”
“She came in with her smile. She would sit on the cots. Now, you have to understand a cholera clinic, these cots have been soaked in urine, and fecal matter, and vomit. Cholera is a horrible thing, and she just sat right there in the middle of it, holding peoples’ hands, talking to people, holding babies, it was an amazing thing. She’s quite a lady and not afraid to get her hands dirty.”
Read more . . .

After you've read the above article, be sure to compare and contrast Palin's activities in Haiti with Michelle Obama's itinerary while in Haiti.  Michelle only visited safe venues like The Children's Place.  Sarah Palin went to the tent hospitals where disease was rampant.
Minutes later FLOTUS, now wearing gray All-Stars tennis shoes (Dr. Biden is wearing a black pair now) walked past a few onlookers near the Champs de Mars to the nearby quake-damaged College Episcopal. She waved to the camp dwellers trying to get a peek of her. 

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